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iPlan AI Tool Review (2023)



With the rise of travel tech, 78% of travellers now rely on digital tools to plan their trips. In the midst of this digital revolution, iPlan AI proves to be a practical solution that quickly creates itineraries that match your interests.

This platform offers a high degree of customisation and promises a more personal touch to your travel experience. Let’s take a closer look at this personalised travel planning tool.

Key Points to Remember

  • iPlan AI creates itineraries that are tailored to your interests.
  • With the help of AI, the tool quickly creates detailed plans and makes travel preparation quick and easy.
  • Set your budget and get recommendations that respect your financial limits so you don’t have to worry about overspending.
  • Enjoy the freedom to change your itinerary and share it with friends or travel partners to plan together.
  • Get suggestions for trendy destinations and stay up to date on popular travel spots.
  • Despite the advanced AI, the app remains user-friendly and prioritises a smooth planning experience.

What Is the iPlan AI?

iPlan AI is a digital guide that shapes your travel itinerary around your interest. Simply put, it’s a platform that generates detailed itineraries based on your interests, and it does so with remarkable speed. This AI tool does not generate generic plans. Instead, it creates personalised experiences that are as unique as your interests.

This tool is all about giving you control over your itinerary. You decide how long you want to spend at each destination and can play around with the schedule until it fits right. It’s like sitting down with a map and some pins, but far quicker and with less chance of getting a pin stuck in your thumb. Plus, if you like to share your plans and get input from friends or colleagues, iPlan AI makes this sharing easy.

iPlan’s goal is straightforward: to craft a travel plan that’s so well-suited to you that it could outdo the itineraries that experts might take hours to create. It utilises AI to simplify your planning process and save you time.

Features and Functionalities

iPlan AI offers more than just the creation of travel plans. Let’s look at the key features and functions that set it apart from the usual travel planning tools.

1. Personalised Travel Itineraries

iPlan AI focuses on creating an itinerary that is specifically tailored to you. It starts by understanding the purpose of your trip, whether it’s for relaxation, adventure, culture or something else entirely. It then takes your interests into account and ensures that the suggested destinations and activities really resonate with you.

The tool also takes into account your companions and the length of your stay. iPlan AI designs an itinerary that fits the time you have available and provides a balance between activities and free time so you can make the most of your trip without feeling rushed.

2. Budget Planning 

With iPlan AI’s budget planning function, you can organise your travel expenses in a practical and controlled way. By entering your budget, you set the financial limits for your trip, and the tool adjusts all recommendations and activities to stay within these limits.

With this feature, you can plan your trip with peace of mind, whether you’re looking for a budget adventure or opting for a touch of luxury. iPlan AI focuses on enhancing your travel experience by keeping a watchful eye on your budget.

3. Customisable Itineraries

iPlan AI’s customisable itineraries are all about flexibility and personal preference. With this feature, you can adjust the duration of your stay in each destination to your liking. The tool supports spontaneous changes, enabling you to adapt your plans on the go, which is ideal for any traveller who values the freedom to refine their journey.

4. Seamless Itinerary Sharing

iPlan AI offers a user-friendly travel plan-sharing feature customised to your travel preferences. If you prefer to keep your travel plans private, you can easily share your itinerary privately with friends, family or fellow travellers. This way, you can plan together and allow your fellow travellers to contribute suggestions and ideas.

However, to share your travel experiences with a wider audience, you can make your itinerary public with iPlan AI. This feature enables you to connect with other travel enthusiasts, share insights and potentially discover new destinations or travel tips from a wider community.

5. Discover Popular Destinations

This feature simplifies the early stages of travel planning. It offers a curated list of trending destinations, making it easier for you to choose your next travel spot. The recommendations are based on current trends and seasonal attractions, ensuring that the destinations presented are aligned with popular interests.

Pros and Cons of iPlan AI 

Tailor travel plans to personal preferences.Itineraries are limited to a maximum of 10 days.
Suggestions align with the user’s budget.Sharing requires a paid subscription.
Easily share itineraries privately or publicly.No web interface for desktop users.
Get insights into trending travel spots.
Simple interface for easy planning.
Recommendations reflect user preferences.

Getting Started with iPlan AI

Starting your adventure with iPlan AI is a simple process. Let us walk you through the initial steps to kickstart your travel planning journey. 

1. Downloading the App


To start using iPlan AI, you’ll need to download their mobile app. Unlike some services that operate on both web and mobile platforms, iPlan AI is exclusively app-based. Whether you use Android or iOS, you can find the app ready for download in the respective stores.

2. Signing Up


Once the app is on your device, the next stage is to sign up. iPlan AI keeps it hassle-free by allowing new users to register using their existing Google or iOS accounts. 

3. Navigating the Interface


After registering, you’ll be introduced to a clean and simple user interface. Here, the prompt ‘Create your first trip’ stands out, inviting you to start planning your personalised trip. Tap on this option to start creating your travel plan.

4. Taking a Survey for Personalised Itinerary


A short survey greets you next. It’s designed to grasp the essentials of your travel plans and preferences, such as whether your destination is set, what your travel dates are, and what you want to get out of your trip. Your responses here are crucial—they inform the AI how to shape your itinerary perfectly suited to you. Once done, hit ‘continue.’

5. Planning Your Itinerary


Once you have finished the survey, you start planning your actual itinerary. You’ll be asked to determine your destination and the duration of your stay. After you’ve decided on your exploration time and dates, you’ll choose the company – alone, with a partner, family or friends. The focus is then on your interests, which are decisive for the creation of your travel plan.

Finally, select your budget — Economy, Normal or Luxury — and swipe through the attractions to indicate your preferences. Swipe right for interest, left for disinterest or up to mark an attraction as a must-see. Once satisfied, select ‘Done” to generate your itinerary.

6. Viewing Your Itinerary


IPlan AI presents a comprehensive itinerary in just a few seconds. It includes travel times, the estimated duration of each attraction and even dining options. Each entry can be expanded for further details and can be displayed on Google Maps.

7. Customising Your Itinerary


iPlan AI shines with its customisation capabilities. The itinerary you get isn’t fixed—you’re encouraged to fine-tune it. You can easily add or delete an activity or a restaurant you would like to visit. 

8. Sharing Your Itinerary


If you wish to share your travel plans, iPlan AI has a feature for that, accessible at the top of your screen. However, it’s a part of the paid plan, allowing you to send your itinerary to friends or family. 

How iPlan AI Elevates Your Travel Planning Experience?

iPlan AI is more than just a travel planning tool. It is like a companion that can help you enhance your journey. Let’s see how it makes your travel planning better.

  • Personalised Itineraries for Tailored Adventures: iPlan does not just provide a blueprint. It delivers a tailored travel guide that resonates with your personal preferences. It does this by taking into account the specific details of your trip. 
  • Efficient and Time-Saving Planning: iPlan AI employs the power of AI to streamline your travel planning. It saves you the time and effort that often comes with crafting itineraries. In seconds, you have a comprehensive plan, complete with travel times, estimated durations at each attraction, and dining options. 
  • Access to Trending Destinations: For those moments you’re seeking inspiration, iPlan AI offers a curated list of trending destinations. These suggestions are not arbitrary; they derive from real-time data and cultural trends.
  • Effortless Customisation and Collaboration: Your itinerary isn’t set in stone; it’s a flexible framework that you can easily modify. If you want to make a spontaneous change, add a restaurant, or adjust your schedule, the tool accommodates your preferences. Moreover, if you’re planning with a group, iPlan AI simplifies the process with seamless collaboration. 

How iPlan Integrates Artificial Intelligence into Its Platform?

iPlan harnesses artificial intelligence to transform your travel planning process. Let us guide you through the practical ways AI is used in the app’s features.

1. Understanding Your Preferences

iPlan is essentially a travel planning tool with artificial intelligence (AI). It not only gives you travel plans but also understands your preferences and personalises them accordingly.

2. Data-Driven for Personalisation

When you enter your travel details, the AI goes into action. It not only processes your input but also analyses it thoroughly. It identifies patterns, sifts through the data and connects the dots. Thanks to this complicated process, the AI can customise your travel plans according to your interests, your companions, your budget and much more.

3. Efficiency in Planning

iPlan’s AI drastically reduces the hours you’d spend browsing through travel guides and websites. By quickly processing your information, the AI creates a comprehensive itinerary in seconds, not hours.

4. Budget-Friendly Suggestions

iPlan’s artificial intelligence takes your budget into account right from the start and ensures that the suggested activities and accommodations stay within your budget. The app constantly updates and adapts to offer the best options and ensures a good balance between quality and cost.

5. Continuous Learning and Updates

The iPlan AI is not static; it is constantly learning, adapting to new travel trends and updating its database with the latest information. It responds to global travel patterns and individual feedback, making the platform smarter with every update.

6. User-Friendly Interaction

The integration of AI into the iPlan interface is seamless. It acts as an invisible but highly efficient assistant that allows you to interact naturally with the app. The user-friendly interface communicates your decisions and simplifies your travel planning.

Alternatives to iPlan AI Tool

While iPlan AI offers a smart way to plan your travels, it’s not the only player in the field. In this section, we’ll introduce you to some alternatives that cater to various preferences and styles of travel. 

Skyscanner AI


Skyscanner, a prominent name in travel planning, has introduced an innovative AI tool for conversations. It’s based on OpenAI’s Chat GPT technology and is in beta for users in Australia, India and Singapore. The special thing about Skyscanner’s AI is its personalised approach. By analysing your travel history and search queries, you’ll receive tailored travel suggestions based on your individual preferences.

The tool also provides detailed descriptions and captivating images of destinations. In addition, the “Direct Flight Links” function simplifies the search for the best flight options.

Read more about this tool in our in-depth Skyscanner AI tool review.

TripNotes AI


TripNotes AI is an advanced travel planning tool that simplifies complicated travel arrangements. It offers customised recommendations and real-time updates that effectively simplify the travel planning process. It goes beyond simple itineraries and provides comprehensive maps with key points of interest, a range of dining options and user reviews.

The convenience of TripNotes AI also extends to the ability to manage your travel bookings directly through the platform. It’s a tool that learns over time and adapts to your preferences to increase the relevance of its recommendations.

Read more about this tool in our in-depth TripNotes AI tool review.


iPlan AI offers a smart way to plan trips by customising suggestions to your budget and preferences. The user-friendly interface and quick itinerary creation make for a smooth experience. However, the app is only available for mobile devices, and some features are paid. Overall, iPlan AI is a handy companion for travel enthusiasts who want to combine technology with the joy of discovering new places.

About The Author

Aeman Parwez

Aeman Parwez

My journey into the world of technology and AI began with a degree in computer science. As a passionate AI enthusiast, I decided to join TravelAIHub as a content writer. When I'm not catching up on the latest tech trends, you can find me on new culinary adventures or spending time with my dogs. Let's explore more about AI together, and maybe I'll tell you about my favourite dog-friendly places to eat!

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